
Kamis, 02 September 2010

[uNGu]™ Fish : What is the difference between a midas cichlid & a red devil cichlid (they both pretty much look the same)?

Answers: The Midas Cichlid, often confused beside the red devil, is a large and agressive cichlid from Central America. A undressed minimum of a 55g tank is required to house a single specimin. Decorate your reservoir with plenty of significant rocks, driftwood and plastic plants. The Midas cichlid is not a picky eater and will readily take foods such as beefheart, krill, insects, and pellet.They do not have immense lips similar to their congeners, the Red Devil (A. labiatum), but they are otherwise similar (hence the reason why they own been hybridised so recurrently in the aquarium hobby).

They're unbelievably similar fish - two different species under indistinguishable Amphilophus genus. Trends of creating many color morphs of both types, stores astounding expertise to misname them, and the common crossbreeding between the two hold pretty much rendered the differences pointless. They're about indistinguishable temperment, need impossible to tell apart care, grow to equal size, come in like peas in a pod colors... It's reached a point where on earth the differences don't really matter.
the one and only differences that i can see in the two species are: 

red devil 
lays 700eggs
care for the young for 3days max
max size 25cm (10in) 
can live next to other cichlids 

Midas cichlid
max size 30cm (12in) 
lays 1000+ eggs 
cares for the youthful until mature to live alone 
lone does well surrounded by a species tank
They are like peas in a pod cichlid. Amphilophus citrinellm and labiatum are two fish that are known as red devils and midas cichlids. Their growth rate is pretty quickly, esepcially if you have them surrounded by a large aquarium and do massive dampen changes. I devise size wise almost 14 - 16 inches. 

Both can have some great coloration, and lots of self and except the names, I do not find much difference surrounded by anything between the two that would matter for a hobbyist.

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