The Uaru cichlid ( common name )
Uaru amphiacanthoides ( fish name )
- Maximum size in aquariums (min-max): 16 - 20 cm ( 6.3 - 7.87 in )
- pH of water: 5 - 7
- Water hardness (dGH): 5 - 12 °N
- Recommended temperature: 26 - 28 °C ( 78.8 - 82.4 °F )
- Compatibility (temperament to it's family): peaceful (read this answer)
- Compatibility (temperament to other fish species): peaceful (read this answer)
- Place in the aquarium: Middle levels
- The way of breeding: Spawning
- Fish origin: South America
Information about care
Food and feeding
These fish should eat all foods offered. Always supply them with quality flake or pellets as the staple diet but give them treats as well of blood worms, tubifex, and brine shrimp.
South America; these fish are found in the Amazonian River Basins.
Very difficult to sex, it is easier to purchase a group of six fish and let them pair naturally.
Uaru can be difficult to get to breed but not impossible. The female will lay her eggs in the substrate, anything from 100 -1000 eggs will be laid. The female will fan the eggs until they have hatched and the fry will initially eat from the mucus on the body of their parents. When larger, the fry will accept newly hatched brine shrimp and crushed flake.
The expected life span for this fish is 8-12 years.
Short description
These fish are very intelligent and will soon recognize their owner. They can grow up to 10 inches in length so should be kept in a larger aquarium. The juveniles will be mottled in appearancebut when adult their colouration will take on a darker appearance.
The Uaru cichlids eat plants.

These fish should eat all foods offered. Always supply them with quality flake or pellets as the staple diet but give them treats as well of blood worms, tubifex, and brine shrimp.
South America; these fish are found in the Amazonian River Basins.
Very difficult to sex, it is easier to purchase a group of six fish and let them pair naturally.
Uaru can be difficult to get to breed but not impossible. The female will lay her eggs in the substrate, anything from 100 -1000 eggs will be laid. The female will fan the eggs until they have hatched and the fry will initially eat from the mucus on the body of their parents. When larger, the fry will accept newly hatched brine shrimp and crushed flake.
The expected life span for this fish is 8-12 years.
Short description
These fish are very intelligent and will soon recognize their owner. They can grow up to 10 inches in length so should be kept in a larger aquarium. The juveniles will be mottled in appearancebut when adult their colouration will take on a darker appearance.
The Uaru cichlids eat plants.
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