
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

[uNGu]™ Fish : Convict Cichlids - Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus

Species name: Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus

Synonym: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus; Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum; Heros nigrofasciatus

Common name: Black Convict Cichlid

Family: Cichlidae

Order: Perciformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 20 cm / 7.8 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Southern Central America

Temperament: Aggressive

Company: Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus (Black Convict Cichlid) is best kept with other cichlids from central America or in a community aquarium with other aggressive species.

Water parameters: Temperature 20-26°C / 68-79°F; pH 7.0 – 8.0

Aquarium setup: Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus (Black Convict Cichlid) should be kept in an aquarium that are decorated to offer hiding places among rocks and natural territorial borders. Only hardier plants can be used Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus (Black Convict Cichlid) thrives in just about any setup.

Feeding: Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus (Black Convict Cichlid) will eat anything you offer them-

Breeding: Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus (Black Convict Cichlid) is extremely easy to breed and will breed under almost any conditions. The lay their eggs on a flat surface and guard the eggs and fry. They are usually very aggressive during the breeding period. A very good fish for anyone how wants to reed their first fish or their first cichlid.

Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus -  Convict cichlid picture
Picture of female Convict cichlid - Cryptoheros nigrofasciatust. Copyright

Convict cichlid - Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus picture
Male Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus - Convict cichlid. Copyright

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