
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

UFO over Bucharest, Romania: 4 July 2005

UFO over Bucharest, Romania:
4 July 2005

Subject: Bucharest UFO
From: Alina
Date: Tue, July 5, 2005 1:08 am
To: Report UFO Sightings
My name is Alina and I am from Romania. I saw these things on 4 July 2005 in Bucharest. Please answer to me. I was really scared. Was that a UFO? Please answer to me if you got the e-mail


At first glance, one might think that there are two UFOs in the first photo.  Actually, by inspecting the lights on the stationary terrain at the bottom of the picture, one can clearly determine that the camera was jolted or moved while the photograph was being taken.  
As a result, a sort of double image appears from the same lights being exposed to different parts of the film while the shutter was open.  Since a flash was not used, the camera shutter must remain open longer in order to thoroughly expose the film.
The first two photos indicate camera movement.  A tripod is especially helpful in maintaining stability when using slower shutter speed.

Photographs 3, 4, and 5 above do not indicate that there was any significant camera movement contributing to distortion of the anomalous objects.  In these examples, the distortion is most likely explained by movement of the object.  

Photo number 6 (above) is exceptionally intriguing, as it appears that the UFO is morphing, or changing shape.  Unfortunately, the lack of clarity and a noteworthy background makes it impossible to explain this photograph.

In photo number 7 (above) one notes that the object appears to be descending, leaving a trail of light behind it, however, in this particular case, the camera was once again moved during the exposure.
Photo number 8 (below) shows that the camera was held steady, however, the craft appears to be a different shape from the first few photos in the sequence, possibly explained by a change of the UFOs direction, thus providing a different angle and perspective.

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