
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

[uNGu]™ Fish : New guinea tigerfish - Datnioides campbelli

New guinea tigerfish ( common name )
Datnioides campbelli ( fish name )
  • Maximum size in aquariums (min-max): 30 - 40 cm ( 11.81 - 15.75 in )
  • pH of water: 7 - 8
  • Water hardness (dGH): 15 - 25 °N
  • Recommended temperature: 23 - 26 °C ( 73.4 - 78.8 °F )
  • Compatibility (temperament to it's family): aggressive (read this answer)
  • Compatibility (temperament to other fish species): aggressive to smaller (read this answer)
  • Place in the aquarium: Middle levels
  • The way of breeding: Spawning
  • Fish origin: Oceania
Information about care
Food and feeding
Highly carnivorous, they prefer to consume live foods but can be trained to accept frozen foods as well. They will accept whitebait, cockles, mussels and shrimps. Beef heart will be taken as well but siphon out any that is not eaten as it will spoil the water.

Asia; these fish are found in Indonesia and New Guinea.

There are no visible differences between the sexes.

As of yet, there are no reported cases of this fish breeding in the aquarium.

The expected life span for this fish is 5-8 years.

Short description
This species of Datnioid is very rarely see in the fish keeping hobby, because of this they will demand higher prices. They are best kept as a single specimen in the tank as they can grow up to 18 inches in length. Provide them with plenty of open swimming spaces and use dimmed lighting.

Juveniles are peaceful towards each other, however adult specimens may be very aggressive.

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New guinea tigerfish, picture 1 New guinea tigerfish, picture 2 New guinea tigerfish, picture 3 New guinea tigerfish, picture 4 New guinea tigerfish, picture 5 New guinea tigerfish, picture 6

Datnioides campbelli - New guinea tigerfish
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Datnioides campbelli
Latin Name: Datnioides campbelli;
Common Name: New guinea tigerfish;
Adult size is between 30 cm (11.81 inch) and 40 cm (15.75 inch);
pH should vary between 7 and 8;
dGH should be between 15 and 25;
Temperature should be between 23°C (73.4°F) and 26°C (78.8°F)
New Guinea Tigerfish; on Aqua-Fish.Net

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