Jaguar Cichlid
Article Completed by – JK87
Article Completed by – JK87
Common Names:
Jaguar cichlid, Jag, Manguense, Mang,
Jaguar cichlid, Jag, Manguense, Mang,
Scientific Name:
Nandopsis managuensis
Nandopsis managuensis
Geographical distribution:
Central America
Central America
The males are far more colorful than females. Markings are everything in the jaguar cichlid world.
The males are far more colorful than females. Markings are everything in the jaguar cichlid world.
Suitable Setup/Tank Conditions:
These fish, if kept as a pair, will need at least 75gallons of water. A tank of 5ftx2ftx2ft is a good size if you would like to keep a single specimen with other aggressive fish. Lots of rocks, caves, and plants are needed for these fish as they do like to hide and will need a place to sleep at night. If not given a place they will dig a nice BIG pit for themselves. A lot of people wonder why the plants get uprooted and torn apart, well it is mainly as they don’t have a place to call home and are making one. A ph of around 6.5 - 7.5 is good, but isn’t necessary if it has been acclimatized to your water at you lfs.
These fish, if kept as a pair, will need at least 75gallons of water. A tank of 5ftx2ftx2ft is a good size if you would like to keep a single specimen with other aggressive fish. Lots of rocks, caves, and plants are needed for these fish as they do like to hide and will need a place to sleep at night. If not given a place they will dig a nice BIG pit for themselves. A lot of people wonder why the plants get uprooted and torn apart, well it is mainly as they don’t have a place to call home and are making one. A ph of around 6.5 - 7.5 is good, but isn’t necessary if it has been acclimatized to your water at you lfs.
There isn’t a sure answer. Females grow to around 13/4inches and males can get to 15/16inches+. The biggest I have heard and seen a picture of is an 18inch monster but they are rare.
There isn’t a sure answer. Females grow to around 13/4inches and males can get to 15/16inches+. The biggest I have heard and seen a picture of is an 18inch monster but they are rare.
24-26oC (72-79 o F).
24-26oC (72-79 o F).
Before breeding starts, the male will establish a territory and breeding area (either a cave or flat surface). Typical courtship of gill flaring, fin displaying and body shaking and even fighting can follow. The Female will lay eggs in the carefully clean rock, or dug out pit in a cave, followed by the male to fertilize them. This will be done repeatedly until all the eggs are laid and fertilized. Both the male and the female will be very protective at this stage. Young adults can lay a few hundreds while large adults can have up to a thousand or more. The parents are very aggressive at this stage towards tank mates if there’s any and anything moving that comes near their tank. The mother usually tends the fry while the male guards the territory. Fry are free-swimming after a week. At this time, they can be newly brine shrimps and finely crushed flakes. A compatible pair will breed almost every month as long as they are given with high quality food including some live fish coupled with frequent partial water change.
Before breeding starts, the male will establish a territory and breeding area (either a cave or flat surface). Typical courtship of gill flaring, fin displaying and body shaking and even fighting can follow. The Female will lay eggs in the carefully clean rock, or dug out pit in a cave, followed by the male to fertilize them. This will be done repeatedly until all the eggs are laid and fertilized. Both the male and the female will be very protective at this stage. Young adults can lay a few hundreds while large adults can have up to a thousand or more. The parents are very aggressive at this stage towards tank mates if there’s any and anything moving that comes near their tank. The mother usually tends the fry while the male guards the territory. Fry are free-swimming after a week. At this time, they can be newly brine shrimps and finely crushed flakes. A compatible pair will breed almost every month as long as they are given with high quality food including some live fish coupled with frequent partial water change.
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